Sunday, September 16, 2012

Issues of Family--Part 1

okay so when i was like 4 my parents got a divorce and not long after i met my stepdad;;ofcoarse i never knew it was my future i was looking at;; and with my new dad came my best friend and now my sister, Krystiana. You know when your little and you always wish that you and your bestfriend were sisters;well that's what happened to us. of coarse i never would place step infront of anyones name;;as far as i was concerned they were the real deal.As time went on I got a now 8 year old sister and a 2 year old sister.House full of girls and they all wanted to be just like their big sister.(talk about pressure not to screw up). Well just last year my parents got a divorce and my whole world turned upside down;; i mean its not like i wasn't used to the word divorce but that little voice that tells you whats right was like an ambulance siren and i wouldnt go away;; my sisters never went threw a divorce they didnt know how it felt like to feel like your the fault of it all. I mean its not like my real dad ever cared that i was sick or moving all the time or even my birthday...the differences between my dad and this complete stranger whos name was on my birth certificate was i knew my dad would never do this he wouldnt just throw his kids down the drain like a piece of trash. i mean one can not just place the fault on just one parent i mean they both have issues that they didnt work out;;but i guess its easier for anyone to blame one parent. My feeling was mutual because as far as i was concerned they were both dicks in my book;;i just could not face the fact that my new family was now going to be like the last. i was also mad at the fact that it wasnt just me anymore it was two other kids that knew nothing of any matter like this and lets let the facts out my parents were the biggest idiots to fight in front of us;; luckily i was there to drag them somewhere else and get there minds off things. it didnt help to because my dad was being deployed off to Afghanistan and we were moving to the lamest place i knew;;Texas.I dont have an issue about it but i was no longer going to be near the ocean which has been my home ever since i could remember; and the biggest dick of them all my real dad was there.i knew that once i crossed the border of home to distant land he was going to try to get back in my life;;and why should he even try;;i was 14 about to turn 15 and he was never there for me.just because we have the same last name doesn't mean im just gonna run to him and be like "daddy" good thing he never held his breath on it. i know that some of you may think,"gosh what the hell is your problem he is your dad" but you have to put yourself in my shoes::i waited for one call one sign that he still loved me and he was atleast trying to show his only daughter that he cared for her. I used to think that my own dad didnt care about anything about me as far as he was concerned i was just another kid in this world. When the time was finally there to practically meet him;;i sat in awe at how completely different i was from both of my parents and how different they were to each other. He acted as if i was lost for many years;;and used terms like "hey daughter" "hello daughter" and i just sit there think,why the hell do you keep calling me daughter as if i have not had my name yet;;or i was a small puppy you get when your little.I guess it would be okay but he always is suffocating me with hugs when he says it. And then he uses the whole "if you lived with me i would let you do this or get this" which is a stupid thing to say because that will never happen and i dont live with you.Which he has been texting me alot lately and ive kinda been ignoring him;;i guess im kinda resenting him because i was supposed to get adopted by my dad to have a better life with insurance and everything and because of my real dads selfish wants of not getting rid of his "rights" even though he had none in the first place;;And once i mention that i was considering getting emancipated;;he jumped on it saying i could come and live with him and telling some of our family that i was going to get emancipated and go live with him(even though i knew i never said that) if i even consider it, i would go live with my dad,practically on my own....which makes me kinda mad that he was telling people that i said i was going to kinda pissed me off;;;i mean im not trying to be a bitchy daughter or anything but its really hard to act something that your not. But i will stop my rampaging for the night and talk to you all tomorrow.


 As i lay on the floor of my living room floor;;trying to figure out how to do history homework;;my brain has clicked into this format that i will finally make the blog i have been waiting to do for a while but never having time."I will make this Blog and I will like it" my brain telling me;so i threw the homework at the stack of books in the corner,whipped out my laptop and created this blog while listening to all the tunes on Pandora.
      I have not really thought about the theme of the blog(indicating the wonder blog title)but it is okay to have a unknown blog in my bookk and that it will stay.
    I'm not much into the whole stay on the computer all day for i have a life;;but as anyone else my life is pretty hectic and i need to step away from it for awhile just so i can breath.As anyone from a military family i never really had best friends,so i now turn to my laptop and loads of strangers to dish out my 'whatevers'.For me this will be alittle escape from family,school,and afterschool activities;;for the few of you who decide to read tomorrows first ever 'real' blog it will be a great,swell laugh.And at that i will post this and try to figure out how to do everything else:)